Friday, 28 February 2014

Bill Gothard Has Been Tackled - No Piling On

 It is against the rules of football to pile on. Once a player is tackled and there is obviously no chance of the ball being advanced, jumping on top of the pile of tacklers who have collectively smothered the ball carrier is against the rules. How much more should that rule apply to those of us who are part of the Kingdom. In fact one could argue it should not be a rule but a response of mercy and a response to grace.

In the last few days news has broken that Bill Gothard, founder of what was formally known as Basic Youth Conflicts has been put on "administrative leave" pending "completion of (a) review." This action by the Board of the Institute of Basic Life Principles has resulted from a number of allegations of sexual harassment.

For a few years an organization called Recovering Grace has dedicated itself to helping people whose lives have been negatively impacted by the Institute of Basic Life Principles and the Advanced Training Institute. The founders of this organization identify themselves as some who have been directly impacted by the teachings of Gothard. While it began as an initiative to expose the theological gaps in his thinking, it has resulted in women coming forward and alleging how they were sexually harassed by him.

This blog is not intended to serve as a dissertation on his theology. Gothard has defended his interpretation and application of Scripture while theologians such as Ronald Allen as well as articles within the Recovering Grace website have critiqued it. Nor is it my intention to comment on the litany of stories that put words to the fear, frustration and confusion of teenage girls who have served him over the years. However to diminish their stories, question their timing, challenge their process or attack their motivation only adds to the pain they have already experienced.

Over four hundred years ago Sir Francis Bacon stated that "what a man prefers to be true, that he is most likely to believe”. That axiom still applies to us today.  Information that aligns with my perspective only serves to reinforce what I already believe, while at the same time I cynically undermine the news that contradicts my facts.

If you have been blessed by the teachings of Bill Gothard, don’t diminish the concerns of the women who have come forward with their allegations of harassment.

If you have found his teachings to be legalistic and theologically inconsistent with the overall teachings of Scripture, avoid piling on. He’s already been tackled.

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